Nouns has funded hundreds of community projects in different veins at different scales: technology, art, design, animation, video, movies, fashion, music, esports, consumer goods, toys, social impact, and more!

100 Nounish Things by Nounish

100 Nounish Things by Nounish


Projects with software development at its core as well as public infrastructure that has gone beyond the Nouns ecosystem.



Nouns iOS app

Nouns iOS app

Art, design, animation, video, movies

Projects in all sorts of mediums aimed to foster creativity, imagination, and curiosity, and make Nouns a fun and delightful brand.

Nouns Stories

Nouns Stories

100 Days of Nouns

100 Days of Nouns

Other projects

Hyalinobatrachium Nouns, or Nouns Glassfrog.

Hyalinobatrachium Nouns, or Nouns Glassfrog.


Nouns Archive ↗︎

Take a look at the Nouns Archive for more inspiration.

<aside> ➡️ Find out about the Nouns Virtuous Cycle - The Nouns Virtuous Cycle →
